CryoSat Data Quality Information - What do you need?

We need your feedback on what data quality information you need and find most useful. We aim to use this to improve the reports/ information we provide and ensure they are aligned with your needs.

Question Title

General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR): As part of this survey, we may gather personal data, including but not limited to contact details, names and email addresses. Any personal data collected will be handled in compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and UK GDPR. In particular, the information will enable the Company to analyse the survey results and to get in touch with participants who have indicated they are happy to be contacted. It will enable us to meet the study's requirements and to comply with the Company’s legal obligations before, during and after your engagement with us. Measures are established to protect the security of your data and any third parties who process your information are contracted to keep it secure and confidential. Please contact our Data protection team if you have any data protection queries:

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* 1. Which CryoSat products do you use for your activities? Select all that apply.

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* 2. What do you use the CryoSat data for? (e.g. research area, operational service, etc.)

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* 3. Are you aware of the following quality reports/ information and do you find them useful? Please select all that apply.

  I am aware this exists;
I find it useful
I am aware this exists;
I don't need it
I am aware this exists;
I don't find it useful/ I encountered problems
I didn't know this exists;
I would find it useful
I didn't know this exists;
I don't need it
Daily Performance Quality Reports
Monthly Performance Quality Reports
Quality Monitoring of Ice Products (MSSL QA)
Quality Monitoring of Ocean Products (NOC Reports)
Quality Monitoring of Cryo-TEMPO Products
CryoSat Unavailability Periods
CryoSat Product Status Documents
Information about CryoSat Instrument Processing Facilities

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* 4. How often do you use the quality reports/ information provided?

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* 5. What quality information do you find most useful?

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* 6. What additional information would you like?

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* 7. Daily Performance Reports:
Note: These are now only generated for days when an issue is identified in the products. You can find the reports in QRAS, by applying the active filters: ‘CryoSat’, ‘SIRAL’, ‘Daily’ and ‘Quality Control Report’. As an example please look at the NOP report for 25/07/2024.

Please provide your views on the following:

  Great! OK Could be improved
Type of information provided
Level of detail provided
Layout of the report
Length of the report

Question Title

* 8. Monthly Performance Reports:
Note: You can find the reports in QRAS, by applying the active filters: ‘CryoSat’, ‘SIRAL’, ‘Cyclic’ and ‘Quality Control Report’.

Please provide your views on the following:

  Great! OK Could be improved
Type of information provided
Level of detail provided
The plots and graphs included
Layout of the report
Length of the report

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* 9. Please provide some information about yourself:

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* 10. We aim to use the responses from this survey to improve our quality outputs in line with users' needs. Beyond this survey, if you are happy for us to contact you about your answers, please provide your contact details:

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* 11. Do you have any further information or comments related to this survey that you would like to provide?

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Thank you!

Thank you for completing our CryoSat User Survey. Your responses will provide valuable insight into user needs and requirements. If you provided your contact details we may be in contact to ask you more about your answers.

If you would like to get in touch with the CryoSat QC team directly, please contact

To keep up to date with CryoSat news and announcements, please check CryoSat Earth Online or follow @esa_cryosat on Twitter.