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Help us to name our new facility
Mersey Care NHS Foundation Trust is forging ahead with plans to create a modern state of the art 80 bed mental health facility on land at Mossley Hill site, Liverpool, which the Trust owns. The 80 bed hospital will be at the centre of a range of inpatient and community mental health services for Liverpool and is expected to open in 2024.
We are now engaging with our stakeholders about what the site should be called.
It is important that public buildings are easily identifiable for all. It is also important that national guidelines for NHS and Mersey Care branding is followed.
What this new development is named will really matter for people using services, for local people and those who navigate around the area, for our staff who will work there and for the whole city.
The facility's identity should be a positive and easily understandable addition to the community. Mersey Care has a clear protocol for naming new sites – and we need to hear ideas from those who use our services, our staff and our stakeholders.
You can see the protocol on our website and the main points are:
the name may have historical, geographical or cultural significance
it needs to be short, accessible and in line with Mersey Care’s vision and values
it should help to identify the premises (such as 'unit' or ‘clinic’) and contribute to the sense of community the name should be future-proofed in case of later transformation or change of services there
ideally, the name shouldn’t be in use anywhere else to avoid confusion, especially for health providers, and not be that of a living person or something in copyright.