GSK-GAA Non-Promotional Global Medical Webinar Series
Date: 21 April, 16:00 CET

Please provide an overall rating for each presentation, based on the relevance to your clinical practice and how well this was communicated by the speaker (1=Poor, 5=Excellent)

Question Title

1. Real-world unmet needs in asthma care
Professor Nicolas Roche

Question Title

2. Matching patients with an optimal treatment strategy
Professor Arzu Yorgancıoğlu

Please answer the following questions.

Question Title

3. How satisfied were you with the virtual format of the webinar (including ease of access and ability to follow the speaker presentations and discussions)? (1=Very unsatisfied, 5=Very satisfied)

Question Title

4. Would you recommend the webinar to a peer/colleague?

Question Title

5. Please rate the overall educational and scientific value of the webinar (1=Poor, 5=Excellent)

Question Title

6. Has the data presented at this webinar aided your clinical decision making?

Thank you for your feedback, your input is appreciated.

Please note that feedback will be stored for audit purposes only. We will not be tracking any identifying information; your responses are voluntary and will be kept in the strictest confidentiality. The data will be reported only in aggregate and no individual will be identified.

Date of preparation: March 2022 | CL NX-GBL-FPS-QST-220001