Including NICU, SCBU, LNU & TC)

We want to hear your honest opinions on the care you received so we can help to influence the improvement of our maternity and neonatal services across BaNES, Swindon & Wiltshire.
The information we collect will be used to identify themes so they can be shared with the Local Maternity and Neonatal System (LMNS) Programme Board and our service providers. If you would like further information before completing this anonymous survey, please email us on

For easier reading, we have used ‘baby’ rather than baby/babies - if you have had, or are expecting, twins, triplets or more, please use open text boxes to share your experiences in further detail.  

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* 1. Enter the first half of your postcode (i.e. SN25)

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* 3. Please describe your Ethnicity / Nationality

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* 4. Do you consider yourself disabled

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* 7. How many weeks pregnant were you/your partner when you gave birth? (If applicable)

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* 9. Where did you give birth? (If applicable)

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* 10. What was good about the care your baby and you received during your time in the neonatal unit?  

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* 11. Tell us how you were supported and cared for during your baby's time in the neonatal unit ( e.g. emotional wellbeing, practical support, signposting to additional services?)

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* 12. Tell us how you were supported and involved in the care and development of your baby/ies during their time in the neonatal unit. ( e.g. Feeding support, handling baby, staff communication and decision making).

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* 13. Is there anything that would have made your time in the neonatal unit easier? 

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* 14. If  you could change one thing about the care you received, what would it be?

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* 15. Is there anything else that you would like to tell us? (About your care or how you think services could be improved) 

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* 16. Our surveys are anonymous, however if you would like to be contacted by the MVP lead for you area please leave your name / email here: