Speech and Language therapists views on a strong alliance with people living with dysphagia. |
You are invited to take part in a research study about looking at the importance of a therapeutic alliance between an speech and language therapists and people living with dysphagia.
This is a short survey and should take about 5-10 minutes to complete.
Participation is voluntary.
Please read the following information to understand what taking part involves.
What is the purpose of this study?
We plan to gather speech and language therapists experiences in collaborating with people living with dysphagia. A therapeutic alliance means a strong relationship between a therapist and a patient. We want to see what factors contribute to a strong alliance, and if there are any barriers that restrict this from developing and maintaining between a therapist and patient.
You are being invited to participate in this study because you are a registered speech and language therapist that has worked with someone living with dysphagia.
Participation is voluntary. It is up to you whether you would like to take part or not. If you do decide to take part you will tick the box below that says ‘I consent’. You can change your mind at any time and stop the survey.
After completing and submitting the survey, you cannot access your data, as all responses are anonymous we cannot identify which response belongs to a specific participant. Geolocation and IP address tracking are disabled and no personal data is collected.
There will be no direct benefit to participants, however we hope the results of this study will help us to understand how a therapeutic alliance between patients and therapists effects patient outcomes and experiences.
You will be asked to reflect on situations and experiences that may be distressing to you. If at any stage you feel anxious, distressed or overwhelmed, please contact the HSE’s mental health services (1800 111 888).
The information from this study will go towards an unpublished undergraduate dissertation, and may be published in a peer review journal.
If you have any questions or concerns regarding your participation in the study please contact me by email caulfich@tcd.ie, or my supervisor Orla Gilheaney by email gilheano@tcd.ie.
Thank you for your time!