Information Leaflet

Study Title: Neurodiverse and Neurotypical Experiences at Work
Research Site: Trinity College Dublin
Principal Investigator: Sean Hetherton (
Data Controller: Trinity College Dublin (research data)
Data Protection Officer: Data Protection Officer, Secretary's Office, Trinity College, Dublin, Dublin 2
Introductory Statement

We would like to invite you to take part in a final year research project organised by Sean Hetherton and his supervisor Adele Grazi, in this online survey.

Before you decide whether or not you wish to take part, please take time to read this information leaflet carefully.

If there is anything which is not clear, or if you would like more information, please contact the principal investigator. You should understand the benefits and any risks of taking part in this study so that you can make a decision that is right for you.

Do I have to take part?

No, it is entirely up to you. There are no negative consequences of stopping the study or deciding not to take part. Don’t feel rushed or under pressure to take part or to make a quick decision.

This leaflet has five parts:
Part 1 – The Study
Part 2 – Data Protection
Part 3 – Approval, Organising and Funding
Part 4 – Further Information
Part 5 – Next steps

Part 1 - The Study
Why have I been invited to take part?
The study is targeted at anyone who is aged 18 years or older and currently employed in either part-time or full-time work. We are hoping to have approximately 200 participants in this study.
Why is this study being done?
To find out if there are significant differences between a neurotypical and neurodiverse cohort of employees with respect to the four different organisational psychology scales being measured to reflect their working experiences.
What does taking part involve?
You will be given a consent form and we will ask you to complete an anonymous survey which will take approximately 10 minutes to complete. The survey will consist of some demographic questions, along with questions from four different organisational psychology scales.
What are the possible benefits of taking part?
This may not directly benefit you, but we hope that this research will help us better understand aspects of neurodiversity as it pertains to experiences in the workplace.
Are there any potential disadvantages or risks of taking part?
There are no known risks involved in this study. At all times, the well-being of participants takes priority over research activities. If you feel uncomfortable with any questions you can close the survey at any time.
What will happen to the results of this study?
The study is being carried out as part of a final year project. The results of this study will be reported in this final year project and presented to two members of staff from the School of Psychology as part of the grading process. The results of this study may also be reported in scientific journals and disclosed at scientific conferences. However, no information which reveals your identity will be disclosed.
Part 2 - Data Protection
What information about me (personal data) will be used for this study?
Some demographic information will be collected however the survey is anonymous and it guarantees anonymity of your personal information.
Who will access my personal data?
No personal data will be recorded for this survey. Along with the principal researcher, the study supervisor may require access to the research data to ensure academic rigour. If you accessed this survey through the Sona System, you will only be known by your code, and your data will be deidentified during processing.
How is the information kept confidential and secure?
Your privacy is important to us. The survey is designed to prioritise confidentiality, including the fact that IP addresses of participants will not be recorded. The PI and supervisor are governed by a professional code of ethics to maintain your confidentiality. All survey responses are held securely on a TCD affiliated Microsoft Office account restricted to only the PI and supervisor.
How long will my personal data be needed?
No personal data will be recorded for this survey. Survey responses will be held for a short while during the period of data collection. Your consent form and anonymous research data will be retained for a period of 3 years and then deleted, as in conformity with TCD’s guidelines for undergraduate researcher, should anything need to be appealed.
What is the lawful (legal) basis to use my personal data?
No personal data will be recorded for this survey. We will only use the research data for this research project. We will also ask for your consent as a requirement of Irish law ( Health Research Regulations), but we do not rely on this as our legal basis under GDPR.

What are my rights under Data Protection law?
You are entitled to:

· object to our use of your personal data or any further use;

· request access to your personal data and to receive a copy of it;

· request inaccurate personal data be corrected or deleted;

· request restriction of our use of your personal data ;

· request deletion of your personal data.

By law you can exercise the above rights in relation to your personal data, unless the request would make it impossible or very difficult to conduct the research. For example, if the study is about to be published then we may not be able to delete data as it would impact on the results.

You can exercise these rights by contacting your study researcher or the Trinity College Data Protection Officer, Secretary’s Office, Trinity College Dublin, Dublin 2, Ireland. Email: Website:
Part 3 - Approval, Organising and Funding
Has this study been approved by a research ethics committee?
Yes, this study has been approved by the Research Ethics Committee (REC). Approval was granted on 05/11/2024. An annual report will be provided to the REC and on completion of the study.
Who is organising and funding this study?
This study is being undertaken by Sean Hetherton alongside his supervisor Dr Adele Grazi as part of a final year project, and is therefore not funded.
Will I be paid for taking part?
No, we are not paying you to take part in the study.

Part 4 - Further Information
What happens if I change my mind?
Your participation in this study is voluntary and you can change your mind even if you have begun the survey, and you can shut the survey down.

Please note that we will not be able to remove data which has been shared or pooled for use in publication before your request for deletion.

We will not contact you again.
Who should I contact for information or concerns?
If you have any concerns or questions, you can contact:

Principal Investigator: Sean Hetherton (

If you have any questions in relation to your rights under data protection law, you can contact the Data Protection Officer, Trinity College Dublin: Data Protection Officer, Secretary’s Office, Trinity College Dublin, Dublin 2, Ireland. Email: Website: ( remove if site DPO is contact point).

Under GDPR, if you are not satisfied with how your data is being processed, you have the right to raise a concern with the Office of the Data Protection Commission, 21 Fitzwilliam Square South, Dublin 2, Ireland. Website:

Part 5 - Next Steps
Will I be contacted again?
No, you will not be contacted again after the survey is complete. Thank you for taking the time to read this Participant Information Leaflet. Please continue to the Consent Form.