East Suffolk's Community Safety Partnership (CSP) works to improve community safety across East Suffolk. We are keen to understand what concerns our communities have around community safety and any issues you may be experiencing, so we can address them.
Please note that you cannot use this form to report crime, anti-social behaviour or noise complaints. Ways to report specific incidents can be found at the end of this survey. Thank you.

Question Title

* 1. Please tell us which East Suffolk town or village you live in, work in or visit.

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* 2. Please choose all that apply.

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* 3. Please select the age range that applies to you.

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* 4. Please note your gender below.

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* 5. How safe do you feel in your community?

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* 6. If there are any specific locations that you feel unsafe in (for example, a local park) please say where that is and why you feel unsafe there.

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* 7. Do you think crime and disorder have increased recently in your local area?

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* 8. Do you have any thoughts around how large infrastructure and/or construction* projects may impact your community, either positively or negatively?
*Large infrastructure and construction may include projects like roads, railways, bridges, water supply and energy supply/grids

Question Title

* 9. Based on being in your community at the moment, please rate how you feel about the matters below.
*Hate crime is any criminal offence committed against a person or property that is motivated by hostility towards someone based on their disability, race, religion, gender identity, or sexual orientation.

  Very concerned Slightly concerned Neither concerned nor unconcerned Not very concerned Not concerned
Domestic burglary
Non-domestic burglary e.g. in any premises that is not a dwelling
Vehicle crime
Anti-social behaviour
Domestic abuse
Alcohol and drug misuse
Sexual offences
Violent crime e.g. knife crime/violence against a person
Doorstep crime e.g. cold calling/loan sharks
Cyber crime
Road safety
Gang related crime e.g. organised crime groups
Increased anti-social behaviour as a result of people moving to the area
Hate crime*
Shop lifting

Question Title

* 10. In relation to anti-social behaviour, have you been subjected to, witnessed or impacted by any of the following in the past 12 months (select all that apply)?

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* 11. Please describe anything that would make you feel safer in your community.

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* 12. Do you know how to report the following?

  Yes No
Anti-social behaviour
Hate crime
Concern for a persons welfare
Domestic abuse
Sexual assault or rape
Fly tipping
Inconsiderate or abandoned parking
Thank you for completing this survey. We will aim to renew the survey every six months, to again ensure that we and other partners understand current trends and concerns our communities may have.

Ways to report –

Crime or Police related matters - Report | Suffolk Constabulary or call 101. Always call 999 in an emergency or if a crime is being committed.
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100% of survey complete.