Budget and Council Tax Consultation 2025-26 |
Council Tax and our Budget
It's part of our vision to be driven by what matters to our residents - your views are important to us. As we prepare to set our budget for 2025-26 we want to know your thoughts on any changes to our Council Tax charges which is why we have launched this short survey.
There continues to be uncertainty over our future levels of funding, particularly in the light of proposed financial reforms from central Government.
In 2025-26 it is expected the amount of money the Council will have available overall to fund services will be similar to that of this year (2024-25).
Just like household expenses, the cost of providing services such as waste collection increases over time due to inflation. There is also increasing demand on our services as our District grows. This means we need to deliver more services with no extra Government funding.
The annual Government grant and business rates are vital towards paying for the cost of our services but Council Tax is responsible for almost half of the cost - 43%. So, Council Tax plays a crucial role in allowing us to provide vital services to you.
However, while we collect Council Tax in the District - some £79.1 million during this current financial year - we only keep £6.5 million. This accounts for around 8.3% of all the Council Tax collected and equates to £189.14 per household for a Band D property.
Leicestershire County Council takes the bulk with Leicestershire Police, Leicestershire Fire and Rescue Service and your local Parish Council also taking a proportion.
Our suggested increase of 2.99% (11p per week for a Band D property) is important in helping ensure we have the budget to provide the services and support our residents need.
As always the Council will continue to do its best to save money and generate income to minimise the impact on customers.
Please let us know your views.
The consultation will close automatically at 11.45pm on Sunday 23 February.