RESEARCH TEAM: The study team comprises of Dr Breandán Ó Caoimh, Dr Caroline Crowley and Dr Karen Keaveney.
The purpose of the study is to carry out an independent evaluation of the socio-economic impacts of the Corncrake LIFE Project.
WHY HAVE I BEEN INVITED TO TAKE PART? You have an interest in the Corncrake LIFE project. Your participation is entirely voluntary. If you agree to participate, you will complete this interim survey (the 2nd of 3 surveys conducted between 2022 and 2025 to understand people's views of the project).
CONFIDENTIALITY: The research team will be responsible for overseeing the anonymity of the survey and its analysis. All information collected as part of the study will be stored securely on password protected computers.
WHAT ARE THE BENEFITS OR RISKS ASSOCIATED WITH THE STUDY? While there will be no direct benefit to you from the study, the findings have the potential to make a contribution to our understanding of the effectiveness of conservation projects such as Corncrake LIFE. Your feedback may inform Corncrake LIFE over the course of the project, as well as future project design and government policy. As such, the findings from this study will be presented to the project funders, at university level and at national and international conferences. The findings will also be submitted for publication in peer-reviewed journals. However, no individual participant will be identified in any publication or presentation and only anonymised quotes will be used in these reports and publications. There are no known risks associated with participation, other than some possible inconvenience in taking the time to complete your survey form.
RIGHT TO WITHDRAW: You can decide to withdraw at any point prior to sending your questionnaire to the researchers without any consequence.
HOW WILL MY INFORMATION BE USED? Your views will be combined with those of others and used to develop an understanding of the socio-economic impacts of the Corncrake LIFE Project both locally and further afield. Once you submit your questionnaire to the researchers, it will not be possible to withdraw from the study.
FURTHER INFORMATION & CONTACT DETAILS: If you have any further questions about the research or would like information on the findings, you can contact:
- Dr Caroline Crowley, Principal at Crowley Research / 087 6101510
- Dr Karen Keaveney, Associate Professor of Rural Development, UCD School of Agriculture and Food Science / 01 716 7858
- Dr Breandán Ó Caoimh, Principal at Brendan O Keeffe & Associates / 087 6591788
PARTICIPANT CONSENT: By ticking the consent question below, and completing the survey, you are indicating your agreement with the following statements:
-I have read and understood the Participant Information above.
-I have had the opportunity to ask questions and discuss the study (you can contact any member of the research team for further details).
-I have received satisfactory answers to all my questions, where I have had a query.
-I have received enough information about this study.
-I understand I am free to withdraw from the study at any time until I send the questionnaire to the researchers.
-I understand anonymised data will be archived for future research.
-I agree to take part in the study.

UCD Ethics LS-E-22-146-Keaveney

Question Title

* 1. I am happy to continue, based on the above.