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Supporting unpaid carers

One of the priorities in Wakefield Council’s Living Better Lives - Our strategy for adult social care 2022 - 2025 is to “support unpaid carers to balance their caring role with their desired quality of life”.

An unpaid carer is anyone who looks after a family member, partner, or friend in need of support or services because of their age, physical or learning disability or illness, including mental health issues.

The contribution that unpaid carers make to support our health and social care system is extremely valuable. The Council is committed to improving its offer to unpaid carers and wants to ensure that you feel recognised and valued for what you do and put things in place that will support you throughout your journey as an unpaid carer.

To help shape our improvement journey, we would appreciate it if you could complete this survey so we can capture your experiences and thoughts as an unpaid carer. Your feedback will help us to reflect on our current practice and identify areas where improvements can be made.

You do not have to answer all of the questions; if you do not want to answer a question, or do not know the answer, then move on to the next question.
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